Fishing in Far North Queensland offers an epic blend of just about every sort of fishing you might want to throw a line at. With a huge of fish species and mega-diverse ecosystems.
Up here you can expect to enjoy fishing in coastal rivers, mangroves, shallow coastal, deeper drops and reef systems. Here are our top 10 tips to set you on the right track for a successful flick here in Far North Queensland.
1. Location Location Location!!
Before heading out, research your fishing location to understand the species you're likely to
encounter and this then gives you an idea on how to plan your trip. Things to consider with
location – Tides, Terrain, Weather, Fish Species.
Google Maps can be your best friend!
*Top Tip: Each location will fish differently depending on what stage of the tide you are there.
2. Check the Tides:
Tides play a crucial role in fishing success. Learn how to read tide charts and plan
your fishing trips around incoming or outgoing tides for better results. As a general rule aim to be
fishing an hour each side of the tide change. However, be aware that tide change will vary on
location and how far away you are from the creek/ river mouth.
*Top Tip: Some fish will still feed at the ‘tide change time’ While the tide/water may not start to
change at your location for another 2 hours, the fish will sense that tide change and briefly feed. Check your local tides here.
3. Use Quality Bait:
Whether using live bait or dead bait, FRESH IS BEST!!!
Ensure they're fresh as possible or the best quality. Ask yourself the question, would you eat
that compared to something that looks and smells a lot nicer!
Learning to throw a cast net can be one of the best investments in your fishing career,
however if you are going to buy bait. We only use and recommend REEL MANS BAIT
available in most tackle stores or outlets in the Mackay & Whitsunday region.
*Top Tip: Learning how to present your bait correctly can make all the difference, hide the hook
well but ensure the barb is exposed so the fish can become hooked.
4. Fish To The Conditions:
Learning how to adjust your fishing techniques for different
conditions and different species is the most overlooked aspect to fishing. We see so many
anglers using the same rig for every different location, tide, weather and target species.
As a general rule fish as light as possible for the conditions, Example: If there is minimal or
zero current flow then try using a sinker just small enough to hold your bait on the bottom.
*Top Tip: A running sinker rig with a circle hook is the best rig for any conditions, it helps you
maintain contact with the bottom, feel the bites easier and will be easier to un-snag.
5. Have a Plan B or C:
There are so many contributing factors when it comes to fishing and even
more so a successful fishing trip. Learning how to adapt to the conditions on the water will
be the difference between smiles and photos and going home empty handed!
Be prepared to adapt your fishing plans based on changing conditions such as weather,
tides, or fish behaviour.
*Top Tip: The most successful anglers are those who can be the most adaptable to the conditions
on the day! You don’t have to bring every piece of equipment you have but it always pays to have a
plan B!
6. Knowing Your Target Species.
For the majority of anglers, especially those starting out. We aim to catch anything and
everything that wants to take the bait. While this can be simple and easy without much
thought, you can often limit yourself by trying to catch everything.
However it may pay to sharpen up your knowledge on which species you’re aiming to catch!
This is a great thing to do especially with the kids on the days you can’t go fishing! With the
rise of Youtube and the age of information; there is no better time to learn how to target a
specific fish species. It makes it even more enjoyable when you catch the fish you’ve been
learning and trying to catch!
*Top Tip: Skill will out perform Luck 50% of the time However adjusting your hook, bait & weight
size to best your preferred catch will increase your chances.
Example: You can’t catch a whiting or bream with a 5/0 hook and whole mullet. (You can catch a Barra on a Heckling Vibe though, Below)
7. Safety First:
Most of this stuff should be common sense however it NEEDS to be said!
Sun Safety – shirt, hat & sunglasses are a must!
SHOES…seems a bit out of place for some? However, fishing and closed in shoes are
actually my number 1 thing I can’t leave at home!!! To many times have I been
fishing with friends and we’ve found ourselves climbing over oyster rocks,
mangroves or rugged terrain and people are complaining or having cut feet because
they chose to wear thongs! No matter the location they all come with dangers for
your precious feet…hooks and feet don’t mix well!
WATER….another common sense one, however often overlooked by those only
planning a ‘quick’ fish. Always plan for the worst as a lot of anglers find out the hard
Sunscreen…say no more.
Insect repellent – Carrying this can be the difference between a short and long term
fishing trip, in turn the difference between catching fish or buying some for dinner!
*Top Tip: A fisherman who wears shoes can fish everyday, An fisherman with oyster cuts can fish
once a week.
8. Invest in Polarised Sunglasses:
These can help reduce glare and improve visibility, making it
easier to spot fish and underwater structures. This can be the difference between seeing the
bait and fish swimming around and casting to them or unknowingly moving to another spot.
*Top Tip: These handy glasses can also help you spot dangers in the water…crocodiles, sharks,
stingrays and oyster rocks.
9. Know Your Limits:
It is such a shame when you go out to catch the family some dinner but
you’re not sure what fish species it is you’ve caught and if you can legally keep it or even
safely eat it.
Nearly all fish & crustaceans have a size and bag limit (maximum amount you can keep)
Before killing anything you need to know if you can!! Don’t unnecessarily kill anything!
*Top Tip: there are many no take species in Queensland & Australia; some because they are
a vulnerable species and endangered, others are highly venomous and not to be consumed
or touched.
10. Practice Catch and Release:
If you're not keeping fish to eat, practice catch and release to
conserve fish populations for future generations. Aim to get a quick photo and return the fish to the
water as soon as you can.
*Top Tip: Check out fish tagging with SunTag, it provides a great opportunity to see how far the fish
you catch travel and grow and provide an opportunity for another person to catch a fish! Plus you
get and the kids get a certificate if your tagged fish is recaptured.
11. Patience & Persistence:
Fishing requires Patience and also Persistence! So don't get discouraged
if you don't get bites right away. Sometimes it takes time and effort to find the fish. This is what
fishing is all about, If you’re not prepared to learn and be patient then you best stay at home.
*Top Tip: Be mobile! While it’s good to be patient at your favourite fishing spot, some days the
fish aren’t there or simply not feeding. Be prepared to move spots and persistent in finding where
the feeding fish are!
Good luck getting out there, fishing changes a lot of peoples lives, so why not start today.
If you'd like any more information or are interested in booking a clinic then just follow the link below.